• Contact & Donate

  • Donation Instructions

    Donors are encouraged to utilize the University’s general gift website for online donations. When using this link, donors should select:

    1. Under the "School or Division" drop-down menu: "Other University Divisions"

    2. Under the "Specific Fund" drop-down menu: "Center for Leadership and Involvement (CLI)"

    3. In the "Special Instructions" comments box under "Additional Options" at the bottom of the page: note "UChicago Squash Club"


    Assuming donations are processed accordingly, the donor will receive a University of Chicago receipt for tax purposes. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to club president Tara Chugh (tarachugh@uchicago.edu), or UChicago’s Associate Athletic Director, Brian Bock (bockb@uchicago.edu). 


    Thank you so much for your support!


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  • Contact Us

    Feel free to reach out to the club with any questions or comments.